Aim of the project
Reversing the perceptions and attitudes towards LGBTIQ learners in VET Sector
How to get there
By introducing innovative, inclusive, and gender-sensitive training materials for VET Teachers/Trainers
What the project will accomplish
The partnership will design a modern Training Curriculum for VET Teachers/Trainers after conducting a detailed mapping of the discriminatory norms and patterns met in VET Education
Initiate Change
The partnership will appoint Ambassadors to diffuse the new training strategy through peer learning activities within their VET Providers at European level so as to maximize the impact. The new Curriculum will be piloted in the participating countries to test its efficacy and relevance to the actual needs.
Discrimination against LGBTIQ people is a reality, even in countries where LGBTQI individuals’ civic rights are well established. Despite the progress that has been made and the legal recognition in all OECD countries, LGBTIQ people are still far from being offered equal opportunities in education, work, or healthcare.

About UNIQUE Project
Discrimination against LGBTIQ people is a reality, even in countries where LGBTQI individuals’ civic rights are well established. Despite the progress that has been made and the legal recognition in all OECD countries, LGBTIQ people are still far from being offered equal opportunities in education, work, or healthcare.
In the VET Sector, classic educational material often replicates traditional gender norms and therefore contributes to the perpetuation of discrimination and stereotypes. VET teachers are not trained or prepared to openly discuss in the classroom issues that are considered “sensitive” and maybe biased themselves.
The UNIQUE project aims at reversing the perceptions and attitudes towards LGBTIQ learners in VET Sector by introducing innovative, inclusive, and gender-sensitive training materials for VET Teachers/Trainers as well as educating them in safeguarding and promoting a non-discriminatory classroom.
In the course of the project, the partnership will design a modern Training Curriculum for VET Teachers/Trainers after conducting a detailed mapping of the discriminatory norms and patterns met in VET Education and will appoint Ambassadors to diffuse the new training strategy through peer learning activities within their VET Providers at European level so as to maximize the impact. The new Curriculum will be piloted in the participating countries to test its efficacy and relevance to the actual needs.
Our project also focuses on advocating the results at the national, regional, and EU levels in an effort to introduce a pro-LGBTIQ agenda in the social dialogue and initiate policy reform for more inclusive education.
The project started on the 15th of January 2021 and will be completed after two years. The partnership, led by AKMI S.A., is consisted of 9 organizations from Greece, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, and Germany.Objectives
Objective #1
Provide a renewed skillset to VET teachers in order to integrate LGBTIQ-friendly teaching techniques
Objective #2
Highlight the significance of diversifying manuals and educational materials
Objective #3
new training
new training
Objective #4
Reduce school drop-out rates and enhance the performance of LGBTIQ young learners
Objective #5
Provide a clear pathway for LGBTIQ people towards employment, based on equal opportunities
Objective #6
Verify the change of VET teachers’ perceptions and the impact on LGBTIQ learners
Objective #7
Raise awareness on LGBTIQ issues, combat stereotypes and stigmatization
Objective #8
Promote equality, human rights and EU values to local communities
Objective #9
Support local economies with qualified workforce
Methodological Toolkit
Introduction of a methodological toolkit for modeling non-discriminatory Strategy for VET Education
Joint Curriculum
Development of an innovative Joint Curriculum promoting gender diversity within the VET Sector
Development of an “e-Portfolio” of gender-centered training materials being delivered via a MOOC platform and adapted to countries’ specific content
Training Material
Pilot-testing of UNIQUE Training Material
Appointment of Ambassadors
Appointment of Ambassadors, trained to act as “role models” who will conduct training to VET Teachers on a greater scale
Policy recommendations
A report with policy recommendations targeting VET institutions in the participating countries
Advocacy sessions
Advocacy sessions for promoting the significance of adopting more inclusive Curricula in the VET Sector
- Introduce a “gender-sensitive” approach in order to reduce early school leaving among LGBTIQ students
- Develop a mechanism that will detect existing discriminatory patterns in the VET sector
- Design curricula/courses specifically addressed to VET teachers which will challenge discriminatory patterns and will favor gender diversity.
- Prepare an e-portfolio of relevant educational materials which will be up-to-date, inclusive, and aligned with social reality
- Introduce Ambassadors to train VET teachers
- Spread the developed methodologies in the formal VET system
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